Prime 750 Watt 5-Channel Amplifier R2-750X5
Primed for Performance, the R2-750X5 is a 750 watt rated, full-range class-D amplifier capable of operating at 4Ω or 2Ω stereo with a mono subwoofer channel that can be run at 4Ω or 2Ω. The front/rear stereo channels can also be run at a 4Ω bridged/mono load. This amplifier is extremely efficient because of its Class-D technology which reduces demand on the vehicles electrical system. The amp also features C.L.E.A.N. circuitry to help you adjust your gain settings, a P.O.W.E.R. supply that generates more dynamic power as voltage increases, and an integrated Punch EQ that corrects for acoustic deficiencies while delivering up to 3X the bass.

50W x 4 + 200W x 1 @ 4Ω
≤1.0% THD+N
(Sum of Rated Power)
(RMS Continuous Power)
100 Watts x 4 + 350 Watts x 1 @ 2Ω
200 Watts x 2 + N/A @ 4Ω Bridged/Mono
114 Watts x 4 + 426 Watts x 1 @ 2Ω
234 Watts x 2 + N/A @ 4Ω Bridged/Mono
High-Level: 450 mV – 12 V
Front/Rear 2Ω: <1.0%
Sub 4Ω: <1.0%
Sub 2Ω: <1.0%
Front High-Level: 4-Pin Molex
Rear Low-Level: 2 RCA
Rear High-Level: 4-Pin Molex
Sub Low-Level: 2 RCA
Sub High-Level: 4-Pin MolexInput Switch: 2/4/5 Input
(works for RCA/Hi-Level inputs)
50 Hz – 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave ButterworthFront Low-Pass:
50 Hz – 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Rear High-Pass:
50 Hz – 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Rear Low-Pass:
50 Hz – 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Sub Low-Pass:
50 Hz – 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Sub Infrasonic:
15 Hz – 40 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
C.L.E.A.N. In
C.L.E.A.N. Out (front)
C.L.E.A.N. Out (rear)
C.L.E.A.N. Out (sub)
(not included)
(4.9 cm x 17.3 cm x 28.5 cm)